About Us
Dr Shoemaker, Dr Ming Dooley -Jeff Charlton at USA
Mould illness have for at least twenty years worked with the medical fraternity to develop practical responses to those suffering from mould and building related illness such as CIRS. Photo is Dr Shoemaker, Dr. Dooley and Jeff Charlton celebrating works.
Jeff was part of Dr Shoemaker and his Environmental Hygienist panel which wrote the USA industry Mould Consensus document
Dr Ritchie Shoemaker in the USA is recognised as a leading light in the treatment of mould illness and his training is being undertaken by international practitioners.
The attached letter from Public Health England ignoring evidence of mould illness
The above and similar letters led to Dr. Ming Dooley writing the international PEER review on mould illness.
The following video shows the battle and works of assimilating the Peer Review data
Jeff at the formation of the initial writing of S520 mould standard in USA
Jeff Charlton-Ed Cross-Kurt Bolden-Jeff Bishop -Peter Sierek-Dr. Rachel Adams
This web site is written and provided by www.BuildingForensics.co.uk
The owner and author Jeff Charlton has been involved with water damage, biological and chemical
decontamination for nearly 40 years and his extensive certification and qualifications can be seen
here Unfortunately one of his major qualification is the development to mould related CIRS and recovery
and his story and struggle can be seen here
Professional Help
When you are looking for answers to building related illness we probably provide the most qualified and experienced support in Europe. Our support is based on 35 years of experience in mould and biological decontamination, coupled to a lifetime of study and certification in engineering and building related illness. As a founding member of ASEAI and contributor to the Surviving Mold consensus papers this is proven competence.
Unfortunately, my leading qualification is diagnosis and recovery from CIRS and EAI (environment acquired illness).
Were here to help you and follow your instruction or advise on international best practice. Note we are not medically qualified, or offer legal or financial advice